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hair color: changes often upon discovery of hair dye. currently pink.
eye color: eye color changes depending on mental and emotional state.
neutral emotion - hazel,
mentally unconscious - grey,
sad emotion -
angry emotion - purple,
excited emotion - a brighter brown
height: 5'2 or 157cm

attachment style: secure

apology language: genuinely repenting

anger language: indignation

love languages: quality time (giving and receiving), words of affirmation (giving)


name: nadya lin
physical age: 25

true age: 57
birthday: november 7, 1965
species: pixie (queen)
romantic orientation: bi-romantic
sexual orientation: bisexual
relationship status: single
gender: female (she/her)

languages: korean (native), english (native), fae (native) french (fluent), chinese (fluent),

gender: female (she/her)

occupation: queen of the pixies, therapist at salvatore medical center

ethnicity: korean

nationality: american

face claim: irene, red velvet

sns: queennlk



As the Queen, Nadya shows great talent in every specialization but she does not like to make use of those powers often simply because there is no need. She trusts the royals to lead their factions responsibly and to never overstep. However, she has had to step in before to handle royal members who were not following the proper pixie way. It is not something she enjoys doing, but will if she has to. Ultimately, she leaves such instances up to fate. Her abilities include but are not limited to: Zoolingualism, Zoopathy, Flight, Tactile Empathy, Weather Manipulation, Chlorokinesis and Artistic Mastery.  

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